living reading time: 6 min publication date: 20.04.2018


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Hiking in the beautiful nature of Villach at earth day

Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd, so take the time to show your love for the planet. Earth Day was established in 1970 and it is now a global event with more than 192 countries celebrating. By devoting a special day to help the environment, you can show how much you care about the future of our planet. Whether you enjoy walking in the park, working in the garden, or skiing on the slopes, the nature of Villach is treasured by all who live here. There are lots of ways to celebrate Earth Day in Villach, here are some ideas to get you going. Remember, Earth Day doesn’t have to be just one day, you can celebrate the environment all year long.


The ERDE group in Villach has the slogan of “Another Carinthia can be planted” and is giving out free seeds. ERDE’s goal is to have as many seeds as possible sown during the springtime which is why they will be holding “Seed Festivals” in Villach.  Don’t have a gardening space? Not a problem, there are several communal gardens in Villach. The gardens in Wirth Park and in front of the ERDE offices are open and free for anyone to use. 



Eating fresh, local, and organic food is important for a variety of reasons. Locally-grown food doesn’t need as much gas to arrive at your home which means less environmental pollution. Plus, organic food contains fewer pesticides and chemicals that are harmful to both you and the environment. Lucky for Villachers, the Bio Bauernmarkt takes place every Friday from 9:00 to 15:00 in the Hans Gasser Platz. Buying delicious local and organic food is a win for you and a win for the environment.



Zero Waste Austria has plenty of tips for changing to the “zero waste” lifestyle. Zero waste living is about reducing and eventually eliminating, the amount of stuff that you dispose of. Did you know that it can take up to 1,000 years for a plastic bag to decompose in a landfill? Take the time this Earth Day to evaluate the waste in your home. Avoid buying items with excess packaging, use reusable bags when shopping, and check out the Zero Waste Austria blog for more tips. 



Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to “End Plastic Pollution.” Plastic pollution is one of the most important environmental problems that we face today. Plastic does more than litter our landscapes, it also poisons marine life and disrupts human hormones. Use Earth Day 2018 as an opportunity to go plastic free. Make the commitment to sort your recyclables and use the yellow bag. You can calculate your plastic pollution using the free calculator organized by the Earth Day Network. 

How will you celebrate Earth Day? Whether it is by taking a bike ride along the Drau river or sharing a vegetarian meal with friends, celebrate the environment!