living reading time: 4 min publication date: 27.4.2018


© RVT | Martin Hofmann
People enjoying the warm thermal water of the Maibachl

Relax in the beauty of nature at the Maibachl thermal springs. With temperatures averaging around 28 ° C, this natural mineral spring is a warm invitation to spend time outdoors. Located at the foot of the Dobratsch mountain, Maibachl is made up of two spring pools that have formed over the course of time. The name says it all: Maibachl or “May Stream” is a natural phenomena that occurs after heavy rain or snow melt, so it isn’t always bubbling. Spring is the perfect season for Maibachl as the snow on top of the Dobratsch melts with the return of warm weather.

Since Roman and Celtic times, the Warmbad area in Villach has been renowned for its hot springs. Maibachl belongs to a series of thermal springs in the area including the popular Warmbad spas. Lucky for Villach, the Maibachl thermal springs are free to the public and easy to reach. The only catch is that Maibachl isn’t always there. The warm thermal pools are like a gift from nature. Expect to find the pools gushing with water after heavy rains or snow, which can happen during any season.



For over 2000 years, the thermal springs in Warmbad have long been praised for health-promoting benefits. The natural thermal waters are said to have anti-inflammatory and calming effects on the body. The warm water is enriched with natural minerals including calcium and magnesium caused by the thermal pool’s formation. Calcium is known to help with osteoporosis and magnesium can help with cardiovascular diseases. Regardless of whether you are looking to help a specific health ailment, anyone can benefit from some relaxation in the water.

Since 2003, the Carinthia Hydrographic Service has recorded both the temperature and chemical composition of Maibachl’s sources. Don’t worry, you can always check for more information to ensure you are bathing in safety even while in the midst of nature.

© RVT | Michael Kainz
Bathing in the thermal spring of Warmbad Villach


Location: Napoleonwiese 4, 9504 Villach

Average Depth: 1 meter to 1.2 meters deep

Average Temperature: 28 ° C

Getting There:

  • By public transport: Trains and buses regularly run to the Villach Warmbad Bahnhof Station. Check the ÖBB schedule for more information. From the station, it is about a 15 minute walk on foot.
  • By car: Free parking is available on Judendorfer Str. and paid garage parking is available nearby. Be careful if you decide to park on the residential streets nearby since many of the streets threat towing unauthorized vehicles.
  • By bike: Napoleonwiese can be reached by bike, limited bike parking is available at the entrance to the forest.

Good to Know:

  • Maibachl is open to the public and maintained by the community. Please be respectful and leave it cleaner than you found it. Take your garbage with you and be mindful of others.
  • No restrooms
  • No changing rooms


Interested in a relaxing dip in Maibachl? You can always check the Friends of Maibachl Facebook group for information on whether Maibachl is bubbling.

© RVT | Christian Riedel
Thermal water flowing in a little river in Warmbad Villach