Welcome, Willkommen, Benvenuto, Dobrodošli, Bienvenue to the Heart of Europe!

Hello from www.welcome2villach.at!

Here you will find the most important information about daily life in Villach, including education, healthcare, the environment, safety, and recreational activities - all in one place. This platform will give you a first look at what kinds of amazing opportunities await you in and around our hometown in southern Austria.

We hope you enjoy this site!

© RVT | Michael Stabentheiner

Austria in a global context

How well we’ve done in global rankings

2nd of 53
Expat Insider Report "Quality of Life Index” internations.org
3rd of 163
Global Peace Index "Austria is one of the safest countries in the world.” visionofhumanity.org
14th of 167
Prosperity Index "One of the happiest, safest, and prosperous countries." prosperity.com
10th of 167
Good Country Index "What Austria contributes to the global common good." goodcountry.org


